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The 'look' of the Film

The MAin Cast

In order to combine the Clean up and Coloring stage of the animation, we decided to go for a line-less style on all of the characters. 

Shannon's Note: 

I would consider visual development to be one of my favorite stages in a collaborative animation project such as this. Visual development is where the entire team has the chance to share their ideas with each other and plan out the artistic style of the film. My main job during this process was to create a unified look for the characters that each team member designed. I’m honored that I had the chance to guide the overall style of the film by contributing the final character designs.

It became a running joke that Thaddeus is Daddy material. 


Ian's Note: 

Oh God... I'm sorry Dad.

Places and Props

This was our first assignment of the project where we all had to create props and style frames for the story before a universal style was selected.

When we first were developing the look for our animation, we already decided on several things such as making the art lineless and making sure to involve a playful and monster-esc aesthetic. Our group had many ideas for settings that sadly did not make the cut but were explored in the Pre-Production such as the sewer and underwater setting. Many of the environments has a page of prop designs to give further depth to that setting. 

The props themselves did not show up much but we did explore many designs and possibilities of use for individual characters. Team Ravenscroft had many inspirations from movies such as Hotel Transylvania, Ghostbusters, Shrek, etc. The final design of the vacuum Thaddeus used was inspired by the Ghostbuster's ghost vacuum.

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